Tools used in through the course material
Language is the way we communicate ideas to one another.
Through our education system words have specific meanings which convey the message the words have been given. As such words, sentences and paragraphs are all geared up to help us understand the message that is trying to be conveyed in this case the article that is being presented.
In the beginning was the word
The Word was with God
and the Word was God. . . John 1
The English Language is one of the most modern languages with modern English evolving from the early 1800 onwards.
A language can be likened to a computer program, though a more advanced program for in the case with our alphabet it has 26 characters.
With these 26 characters we can create a myriad of words.
Now in computers they can only operate with two states OFF = 0 and ON = 1. With these two states everything that is typed in this case the article is stored on your computer with streams of 1s and 0s. When retrieving it the computer will convert the streams of data to the characters you are now seeing.
Number rule the Universe.
Number is the Ruler of forms and ideas
and the cause of Gods and Demons. . . Pythagoras
As like a computer that converts your characters to ‘1s’ and ‘0s’ so can language be converted to numbers.
The process of doing this is known as Gematria.
Gematria dates back to medieval Kabbalists which was used by these mystics to derive insights into the sacred writing. They also used it to obtain new interpretations of the sacred text.
If you want to find the secrets of
the Universe, think in terms of
Energy, Frequency and Vibration . . . Nikola Tesla
Words carry Energy, Frequency and Vibration. How we derive this is with the use of Gematria, like the Ancient Mystic Kabbalists we can apply this to our language to obtain insights.
This is done by donating numbers to our letters with: A=1, B=2 and so on till Z=26.
e.g ENERGY = 5+15+5+18+7+25 = 74
What is interesting is to convert these numbers now to letters 7=G and D=4.
We have GD now GOD has the O in it.
Why is the O so significant, it is because Energy without an O-utlet is Energy. It is likened to electricity whatever we plug in we get. Plug in a radio you get music. Plug in a light bulb you get light and so on.
Now what the Kabbalist where doing with the sacred text was grouping them together if they were numerically the same. For them it was synonyms if the numbers were identical. In our English Language we will see that there are possibilities of finding words and sentences which might be opposing one another, yet we are dealing with this dual world. An example is light-dark they both are on the same continuum yet are at opposite ends.
As was mentioned computers store data with streams of 1s and 0s. For us to experience this reality requires us to have a body and mind. The way information is stored in our bodies is with neurons. When neurons fire together they wire together. So neurons are our biochemical computers. There are trillions of neurons in our bodies.
So Gematria is one of the tools in this workshop material that is used to gain insights
Some more Gematria examples:
SILENT MIND =119 (S-19)+(I-9)+(L-12)+(E-5)+(N-14)+(T-20)+(M-13)+(I-9)+(N-14)+(D-4)
DEATH OF THE EGO =119 (D-4)+(E-5)+(A-1)+(T-20)+(H-8)+(O-15)+(F-6)+(T-20)+(H-8)+(E-5)+(E-5)+(G-7)+(O-15)
GOD IS IN CHARGE =119 (G-15)+(O-15)+(D-4)+(I-9)+(S-19)+(I-9)+(N-14)+(C-3)+(H-8)+(A-1)+(R-18)+(G-7)+(E-5)
BORN AN I DIED AN I =119 (B-2)+(O-15)+(R-18)+(N-14)+(A-1)+(N-14)+(I-9)+(D-4)+(I-9)+(E-5)+(D-4)+(A-1)+(N-14)+(I-9)
This tool is used quite extensively throughout the books so that certain ideas, sentences can be grouped together so that they can highlight a possible synonyms that was not known to us before.
Affirmations and mantras are like a focused beam of intention. The more we hold the focus on a particular mantra or affirmation the more it can become manifest in our reality. Words have power so we need to be vigilant on what we place our attention on. The higher the vibration of the mantra or affirmation the greater the reward that will be achieved.
Unlike meditation that your whole aim is to try still the mind, activations is using tools to allow Energy to flow. At first, we use our hands to move Energy around yet as we progress with both our sensitivity as well as our experience then we can do it by shifting focus. The entire reality we are experiencing is fuelled by Energy. Just to put into perspective so that we can have a better understanding is when we look at the constructs of an atom. The so-called particles constitute only a small fraction of the totality of the atom the rest is ‘EMPTY SPACE’. Scientist give the particles occupying the atom 0.0000001 % of the space and the rest is the 99.9999999 %. Now this “EMPTY SPACE’ is pure Energy and that is what we tap into when doing activations.
These energetic centres is what we use Activations to move Energy in and out of them. The idea is to get to the point that all chakras in the body are functioning to their optimum.
Circle formation (Medicine Circle)
The idea of the circle is to break the structures of the I. The I is the only thing we are certain of however it comes from our programming and labels we have received.
The I AM is a constant in our reality. Whatever follows the I AM is part of the relative world we experience.
It is an agreement we have from the information that was given to us by our parents, environment and conditioning.
We get so identified with the I statements that we will fight to keep them at whatever costs.
Before the ages of 7 you and I would have fun we would not see age, race, gender, religion, political ideologies none of that exists as we are still pure.
What is intriguing is when you are born and an MRI scan is done of your brain, your entire brain is lit up like a lantern. All the neurons are firing with one another. As we are conditioned and an MRI scan conducted we will see light bulbs of activity unfolding in relation to what we are doing.
As the conditioning has been set this course is geared up in breaking down the conditioning to get you back into having the entire brain lit up. Back into your authentic self.
Neurons that fire together wire together.
For us to break the structures of the old self, the ego, we need to work on it daily.
The course material is structured in such a way that there will be lessons and then we will integrate the lesson by doing an activation.
Our reality outside will also assist us as we become more tuned in so our reality will start to reveal more. Numbers which form part of the prime numbers in the book will be appearing in your reality through number plates, phone numbers, addresses, till slips and more.